Kumamoto Scoop. Insider Tips for Offbeat Adventures


Yasuda Yuki

Capture Kumamoto: A Photographer’s Guide to Summer Scenery

Join local photographer Yasuda Yuki as she unveils some of Kumamoto’s most photogenic locations, from the tidal transformations of Nagabeta Sea Road to the tranquil reflections of Arao Tidal Flat.

My name is Yasuda Yuki, and as a professional photographer in Kumamoto, I often find myself discovering picturesque locations that are ideal for sharing and enjoying visually. Today, I want to share some spots that are not only stunning but also perfect for capturing those memorable summer moments.

1. Nagabeta Kaishoro Tidal Road (Uto City)

The Nagabetada Kaishoro Tidal Road in Uto, Kumamoto Prefecture, emerges from the Ariake Sea bed at low tide. This road, engineered for local fishermen to access seaweed and shellfish beds, now captures public imagination for its visual parallel to scenes from Studio Ghibli’s Spirited Away.

The installation of telephone poles in orderly lines along the submerged road adds to its mystique, making it a sought-after location for photography enthusiasts.

Location: 3125-1 Sumiyoshi-cho, Uto City, Kumamoto (熊本県宇土市住吉町3125-1) [Google Maps]
Note: Tripods are not allowed and please ensure not to block the road as it is still used by the local fishing community.

2. Arao Tidal Flats (Arao City)

The Arao Tidal Flats (荒尾干潟), located at the northernmost tip of Kumamoto, bordering Fukuoka, offers reflections that rival those of the Uyuni Salt Flats in Bolivia. The severe tidal changes unique to the Ariake Sea provide a mirror-like surface during windless low tides, ideal for dramatic and stylish photography.

Location: 27 Arao, Arao City, Kumamoto (熊本県荒尾市荒尾27) [Google Maps]
Note: Be mindful of sudden deep areas offshore.

3. Yamabuki Suigen (Ubuyama Village, Aso)

Amidst primeval forests, the spring discharges 30 tons of water per minute, offering a refreshing retreat from summer heat. The Aso area is known for its clear spring waters, a result of the region’s volcanic activity. Yamabuki Spring is particularly special, providing crystal clear waters that reflect the surroundings like a mirror. Its remote location keeps it less frequented, adding to its charm.

Location: Ubuyama, Ubuyama Village, Aso, Kumamoto (熊本県阿蘇郡産山村産山) [Google Map of Parking Area]
Note: As the spring water is used for drinking, please avoid entering the water or placing any photography equipment in it.

4. Hakkaku Tunnel (Misato Town, Shimomashiki)

The Hakkaku Tunnel (八角トンネル), a relic of an old pre-war railroad that once connected Kumamoto City to Misato town (and once initially intended to connect all the way to Nobeoka, in Miyazaki), offers a mysterious and photogenic setting. Encountering this octagonal tunnel feels almost like stepping through a portal to another dimension. Its unique architecture and the surrounding greenery provide a picturesque, if slightly eerie, atmosphere.

Location: Komushiro, Misato Town, Shimomashiki, Kumamoto (熊本県下益城郡美里町小筵) [Google Map of Parking Area]

I hope you enjoy visiting these spots as much as I enjoy photographing them. Whether you’re wielding a camera or just your smartphone, these locations are sure to enhance your summer experience in Kumamoto.

Map of all Locations Featured in this Article

The above was translated and adapted from an article on our Japanese-language sister website ALT Kumamoto. For the original content, see the article below!

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Yasuda Yuki

Hello there! I'm Yasuda, working as a photographer and digital designer based in Kumamoto. Here I aim to share Kumamoto's photo-worthy spots, charming backstreets, and the people who work here, utilizing my professional background. Given my job often takes me to tourist destinations, I'm always looking forward to reading everyone's articles. Website Instagram Facebook

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